This page was started in response to Dave Johnson, writer for TSR LLC.

This is Dave Johnson
Everything you see here was posted publicly by Dave Johnson of TSR, LLC.
Verifying the purveyors of hate speech
Not only was he helpful enough to verify his Twitter account with a screenshot, it’s clear that the screenshot was taken while logged into the Twitter account
Dave Johnson’s Facebook account
Hiding accounts or saying “it wasn’t me” isn’t just cowardly, it’s also not going to work.
Dave Johnson’s Gab account
Gab is an alternative to Twitter “described as a haven for neo-Nazis, racists, white supremacists, white nationalists, the alt-right, antisemites, supporters ofDonald Trump, conservatives, right-libertarians, and conspiracy theorists like QAnon“ It was a popular destination for the types of people described above when they felt that Twitter was suppressing their online speech. Dave Johnson…
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